The role of parents is most important in the full physical and psychosocial development of the child. Some people say ‘what is the type of parents again’, ‘parents means parents’. The word is not scientific. The type of parent can be divided into many categories based on the child’s attitude. If the child is not physically or mentally healthy, the attitude of the parents towards their child will be a little different. So the behavior of the parents towards the child depends a lot on the physical and mental condition of the child. 

All parents want the best for their children. But it is not always the case that parents are on the right path in fulfilling this desire of their child. Unknowingly, the behavior of the parents can often hinder the child’s development instead of benefiting him. When the child is young, parent thoughts are about his food, sleep, fever, cold, etc. But as that child grows older, the stalks of thought grow much larger. Who is he mixing with at school? How are you friends? Is he in the grip of drugs again? Whether it is right to let him go for a walk with his friends or not, various questions peek into the minds of the parents. 

Parents need to be careful when their children grow up. However, they have to prepare for this, but only after the birth of the child. This is called ‘good parenting’. We’ve divided the strategies into nine parts to make it easier to understand what to do if you want to be a really good parent. 

1. Increasing your child’s self-esteem 

 There is a sense of self-worth in everyone. Children have a strong sense of self-worth as well. Self-worth is highly important in everyone’s life, whether they are children or parents. Children see themselves through the eyes of their parents, and they quickly learn their parent’s speech, language, and expression. As a parent, your words and actions have an impact on your child’s psyche and help them establish their sense of self-worth. So your tone, language, and expression should be refined and polite. 

Appreciate his good work, if you dislike it, don’t pay attention to it till one stage. This will motivate him to do good work. Comparing a youngster unfavorably to another will, on the other hand, make him or her feel useless. 

Let him work independently. As a result, he will understand that self -help is the best help and his self-reliance will increase. 

Do not hit him under any circumstances, do not sneer, explain if necessary. 

2  Consider you child a good child, not a terrible child. 

 Do not insult him in front of his friends. As a result, he may suffer from depression. Explain  

     to him that he will become a better guy if he can overcome his negativity. 

 Praise him by saying that he has done a very good job. 

 Let him do his tasks, such as arranging his school books and luggage, for example. As long as   

     he has the means to do so, let him make his bed. 

3. Teach him the discipline he needs. 

 Individuals who adhere to discipline’s norms are better able to conduct their lives efficiently and 

     successfully. With discipline, your kids may make minor sacrifices in the now for a better life in 

      the future, if they choose to do so.  

 Assigning home rules to your children helps them grasp your expectations and build self-disci 

     pline. To name a few, there’s no TV till schoolwork is done and no hitting or name-calling. 

 Schedule time for doing an activity of your child’s choosing. Be sure to follow through and 

     complete the activity without any distractions. 

 Insist that he do his work in a timely fashion. 

4. Manage your time for your child atleat once in a day 

 Consider creating a daily routine that you and your child may participate in. Allowing your child to pick and read one book with you at night is a great example. 

 Make every effort to share meals with your children. A nutritious snack such as an apple may be eaten while chatting with your youngster if you are short on time. 

 Play with your child, even if it’s during bath time or outside before you drop her off at preschool. Every little bit of time makes a positive impact! 

 With your youngster, have fun and laugh a lot. 

 “Your child will benefit from having the electronics turned off when you are spending time with him. Texting, answering phone calls, social media browsing, and watching television are all bad choices. 

5. Children must be taught good behavior 

 Parents have a crucial role in the lives of their children. As a result, they serve as pillars of strength, wisdom, and love. Life begins in the family, and love never dies. Even when a youngster grows older, nothing is more reassuring than their parent’s embrace. 

 Encourage your child and give lots of affection. 

 It is important to reward excellent behaviour. When your youngster accomplishes anything correctly, praise him or her and pay close attention to him or her. Reward exemplary conduct with a prize.  

 If you act and speak in a certain way, your child will do the same. Act and talk the way you want your child to act and speak, and your youngster will follow your example. 

 Be courteous, yet strong in your approach. 

6. Good communication with babies and children: what is it? 

 giving your child or kid your complete consideration when you’re speaking with one another  

 empowering your kid to talk with you about the thing they’re feeling and thinking  

 tuning in and reacting in a delicate way to a wide range of things – pleasant things or  

       uplifting news, yet in addition outrage, shame, misery and dread 

 zeroing in on non-verbal communication and tone also as words so you can truly get what your 

       kid is attempting to communicate  

 utilizing your own non-verbal communication to show that you’re keen on what your kid needs 

       to impart to you  

 considering what your kid can comprehend and how long they can focus. 

7. Try to understand your kid and adjust with them 

 Understanding your child is one of the most important things that you should learn as a parent. It is very helpful in becoming effective in guiding and nurturing your child as they grow and mature. You need to bear in mind that your child has a unique personality trait that remains consistent throughout life. Until and unless you can  understand your child properly, you can not guid your child properly.    So it is very essentian to guide your child. 

 One of the manners in which you can comprehend your youngster is by noticing them as they rest, eat, or play. Search for the predictable characteristics. Which exercises do they like best? Is acclimating to changes simple for them or do they require time to get comfortable with these things? These things are the ordinary qualities of a kid and your youngster may not be a special case. 

 Another way of understanding your child is by taking a look at their environment in order to learn about a certain behavior that you have observed. Relatives, child care providers, friends, teachers, the community, the home setting, and other aspects of the environment can play a crucial role in the behavior of your child. 

8. Uncondional love  

 Tell your child you love her every day. And tell her how important she is to you and how she makes you feel. 

 You never tell him that you love him unless he does a specific task. Because of this, your youngster may be afraid of losing affection as a result of your words. A depressed state might be present in his life. 

 parental warmth and affection protect children against the harmful biological impact of childhood stress. Moreover, affection reduced the risk of adult disease. Therefore, the impact of unconditional love on physical health is undeniable. 

9.   Showing Respect to Elders 

Adults have been on this Earth since a longer period, and youngsters should be taught that experience leads to wisdom and insight leads to respect. They should be taught to show respect to their parents, grandparents, teachers, and any other adults they encounter. While your child is watching, serve elders their meals first, or offer an older adult a seat on public transportation. Knowing that respecting age is a sign of excellent manners will be second nature to them.