World’s 10 costliest Food – (Your Pocket May not Permit)
World’s 10 costliest Food – (Your Pocket May not Permit)

World’s 10 costliest Food – (Your Pocket May not Permit)
The southernmost continent of the world is Antarctica. It is about twice the size of the Australian continent, 98 percent of which is covered by ice. There is no end to the curiosity of people around this continent of ice. However, Antarctica is not on the list of travel thirsty. The only reason for this is the unfavorable weather and environmental conditions here.It is not possible for humans to survive in the coldest places on earth. But fearless and well-restrained explorers and scientists have found a way to survive there. In most places listed below, ordinary thermometers will not work. Your skin will freeze in a few minutes and your breath droplets will turn into crystals as you exhale.
According to various surveys, almost everyone has an idea about the world’s richest people and the amount of their wealth. But we know less about the success of the whole family than personal success! Today we know about the top 10 richest families in the world, many of whom may not have been able to become billionaires or trillionaires. He has gained a lot of influence and prestige only through inheritance. The wealth of the top 10 households is equal to the combined GDP of France, the United Kingdom and Germany.
1>This modern gorgeous structure is called Antilla. Its a 27 floors building with 40,000 sq ft tower owned by the CEO of Mumbai based Petrochemical Giant Reliance Industries, Mukesh Ambani. The building is 570 ft tall and will have 400,000 square feet of interior space. For the parking alone, the building dedicate 6 stories because […]