Saves Land From Coastal Erosion
These Mangroves act as a buffer zone between land and water, protecting the land from coastal erosion. Its unique ecology is responsible for the beauty of the forest. In the sake of nature, it is vitally crucial to conserve this resource.

Vital Role in Food and Health Security in Coastal Area
This mangrove forest environment is a boon to the coastal communities. Contribution to food security or health of the population. A day has been set aside for individuals to take an oath to protect mangroves. Fortunately, that day has arrived. The 26th of July is a holiday in the Today is International Mangrove Ecosystem Day.
Humans are not the only thing that is protected by mangrove forests. To safeguard the environment, he has also made important efforts.

The Sundarbans and the Amazon are the two most famous mangrove forests in the world. The beauty and efficiency of these two have benefited humankind for millennia.

Biodiversity is transported via mangroves. Aquatic animals and all non-aquatic species find refuge in mangroves, which are a highly effective natural habitat.
Protects Coastal area from Storm and High Tide
Storming is where mangroves are most useful. Sea level rise and storm surge are among the threats against which mangrove forests provide natural coastal protection. When it comes to collecting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, mangroves are unsurpassed.

Half of Mangroves Destroyed in Last 40 Years
Mangroves are not being rescued despite all the efforts. There is a rapid loss of natural forests on Earth. However, the speed of mangrove degradation is at least 3 to 5 times quicker than that estimate suggests. So, the natural equilibrium is destroyed, and its socio-economic effect is also deteriorating as a result of this. Over half of the world’s mangrove forests have been lost in the previous 40 years, according to one estimate.
Concerned in the conservation of mangroves, UNESCO has always been active in this area. Interrelationships between mangroves and tribes have been carefully maintained.

So, during its 2015 General Assembly, UNESCO agreed to mark International Mangrove Ecosystem Conservation Day. Every year, on the 26th of July, this day is observed.

Goal of the day is to create awareness about the need of protecting the mangrove forests. In order to conserve this unique forest resource, the key aim is for the ordinary man to step forward and take action.