Humans are not believed to be at risk from these viruses.

Those who have been affected by the coronavirus’s infection have been startled, amazed and sometimes scared. The discovery of more than thirty virus-samples from the iceberg area of western China is evidence that humans are now more curious about the virus than ever before.

Where these viruses are discovered?  

Researchers from Ohio State University visited the Guliya ice cap in western China in 2015 to undertake study on climate change and microbiology in the area. It is located at a height of 22,000 feet above the sea. A few ice cubes were brought back from that excursion. All the old viruses have been detected in those icebergs, following careful investigation.

Sill not diagnosed

The study was published in the journal Microbiome. It said the viruses, obtained from the ice of China’s Tibetan Plateau, were still unknown and undiagnosed.

How 30 VIRUSES were collected and detected?

Ohio State University Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center researcher Zhi-Ping Zhong said the ice had been lifted from a depth of about 1,017 feet. It was later cut into pieces three feet long and four inches wide. Observations found 33 viruses on the ice. Of these, only four are already cataloged. The remaining 26 are completely unknown. Preliminary studies have shown that these viruses are not harmful to humans.

Glaciers are a natural part of natural history. Snow-covered Dhaka is a sign of past weather. On top of that, the new discovery added to the curiosity and curiosity of scientists about glaciers.