Do u know that the Octopus is the creepiest creature in deep of water ? Well, its a weird fact about these eight-armed creatures. The Octopuses can solve puzzles, recognize human faces, open childproof medicine bottles, navigate mazes and they have ability to escape from anywhere. Everyday an octopus need a new home & find […]
The Apple sold 340,000 i Phones per day in 2012
DId u know that the Apple sold 340,000 i Phones per day in 2012? Yeah, its a true fact. In 2012, Apple earns total $156.5 billion & the biggest chunk of that came during the first quarter, when the company brought in $46.33 billion in sales. This is the company’s biggest quarter was its first, […]
The Elephant is only mammal which have 4 knees
Do you know that the elephant is only mammal which have 4 knees ? Yeah, its a real fact. The elephant has two knees at the back, and elbows and wrists at the front, exactly like other quadrupeds. Other mammals have two knees and two elbows.
Diet Coke was only invented in 1982
Did you know that the Diet coke was invented in 1982 ? Yeah, its true fact. Acually the diet coke is a is a sugar-free soft drink which produced & distributed by the Coca-Cola company. The Diet coke was invented in united states at 1982. When this product launch in market, then it was pegged […]
A rabbit can’t sweat
Do u know that the rabbits are can’t sweat ? Well, the rabbit’s have not any sweat glands & they use their ears to regulate their body temperature. An ear of rabbit contain major networks of blood vessels that since their ears are set apart from their bodies, serve to cool the blood.