Different types of rules, customs and rituals are prevalent in different parts of the world. People of different regions have been following all these strange rules or rituals for ages. Even in the twentieth century, those rules are still being followed. Information about 10 such strange rituals in different parts of the world 

1. Filing of teeth 

One of the most important Hindu rituals is tooth filing. The teeth of the bride and groom are filed during the marriage of ‘Balinis’. This is one of the main aspects of the Balinese culture. They believe that this will help them to stay away from all kinds of dangers in the next life. 

The tips of the top front six teeth are filed crosswise during the actual tooth-filing procedure to ensure that the teeth are even. A priest performs this, which is accompanied by prayers and offerings. The child will begin the rite by asking for blessings on both parents. While the youngster is lying down on an unique elevated platform constructed of bamboo and draped in colourful textiles and curtains, the child’s teeth are filed. There are large pillows to make the girls and males feel more at ease. To represent sanctity, the attendees wear beautiful outfits with a yellow and white motif. The mother frequently holds the feet throughout the ceremony. The kid will be given an object to bite at the end of the ritual that represents six flavours: sweet, bitter, sour, salty, spicy, and astringent. This is a symbol that the youngster is ready to enjoy all of the delicacies that life has to offer. 

2. House Tambaran  

This practice is common among the Kaningara tribes of Papua New Guinea. They perform this ritual to strengthen themselves to survive in the opposite environment through changes in the body and to increase spiritual contact with the surrounding nature and environment. A boy who has reached puberty has to live in solitude for two months through a ritual in ‘House Tambaran’ or ‘House of Souls’. At this time he is not even allowed to talk to anyone. Then a tribal expert began to draw crocodile-like spots all over the boy’s back with the sharp twigs of Basheer. The idea of ??these tribes is that crocodiles are the creators of man. They believe that through this sign of the crocodile’s teeth, the crocodile’s spirit will help the boy to develop into a full-fledged man. 

3. Sun dance 

Native Americans perform a variety of rituals to keep the world happy. Sun dance is one such tradition. Through this they pray to the dark sun of the Almighty and believe that direct contact with the tree can be established by sacrificing oneself. The skin of the chest of the person participating in this ritual is pierced and a part of the rope is attached to it. The other end of the rope is attached to a stick standing on the ground. Through this the tree is connected with a life. The participants, attached to the ropes of the stick, try to please the sun by dancing around the stick. “More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information 

4. La Tomatina 

The world’s largest tomato battle is held on the last Wednesday of August each year in the town of Bunal in the Spanish state of Valencia. La Tomatina has been the name of this festival since 1945. Participants in this festival throw tomatoes at each other. 

5. Baby throwing 

The child was thrown down from a height of about fifty feet near the Shanteshwar temple in Karnataka and the child was restrained with a cloth from below. This horrible practice has been going on in the Indian state of Karnataka for the last five hundred years. The people of the region believe that this will bring good luck, health and prosperity to the newborn baby. This ritual is done by throwing the child 

6. To lengthen the neck of the Karen tribe 

This practice is common among the Karen tribes of Thailand. This ceremony is done especially for Karen women. In this custom a strange ring is worn around the neck of women. People here believe that this makes women’s necks longer which enhances their physical beauty. This ring is worn around the neck of girls at the age of five. 

7. Tower of Silence 

Persians follow this custom in burying corpses. According to this custom, corpses are not buried, nor are they buried Instead, naked corpses are left under the open sky So that the kite can eat the vulture The perfection of human life lies in the self-employment of the Persians even after the death of the faith of the Persians. The burial place of the Persians is called ‘Tower of Silence’ 

8. Salvation from ant bites 

This practice is prevalent among the ‘Satere-Mao’ tribes of the Amazon. In fact, this custom is a license for the tribes here to have sexual intercourse with their partner. According to this custom, it is obligatory for tribal men to be bitten by ants before sexual intercourse! The men of that tribe are not allowed to have sexual intercourse if they are not bitten by ants. 

9. Maine 

This bizarre Indonesian tradition surpasses all rituals. The name of this ceremony is ‘Mainene’ or the ceremony of cleansing the body. The practice is common in the village of Toraja in southern Sulawesi. According to this custom, the corpses of the dead relatives are removed from the graves every year and cleaned. Not only do they clean the corpse, but the body is dressed in new clothes and taken to the place where he died. Then he was brought back to the grave in a straight line. After the death of the people of this village, they are buried in a special way by mummy. As a result of keeping the mummy, the body remains in a very intact state for a long time. The ritual of cleaning the body is done in August every year. The villagers believe that by doing so, the soul of the dead person returns to the village. 

10. Fire test 

This practice is practiced in several provinces of China. According to this custom, when a husband enters the house with his bride, the husband has to carry the wife on his shoulders and walk on the burning coals. This strange event is organized to make the husband realize how painful it is for a woman to give birth to a child. People here believe that this practice makes the relationship between husband and wife strong and long.