Earlier, at the 2016 Rio Summer Games, 106-year-old Aida Zemanku of Brazil picked up the Olympic flambeau (Inauguration lamp). Earlier in 2014, 101-year-old Russian table tennis player Alexander Kaptarenko took the flambeau (Inauguration lamp) of the Winter Olympics. Now it’s Tanakar’s turn.

A century has passed. She won cancer. She witnesses the double epidemic. 118-year-old Kane Tanaka was holding the Olympic flambeau (Inauguration lamp) in this year at the inauguration stage of Olympics, 2020 held in Japan. Yeah ! we may be surprised to hear it, but it is true.
TOKYO, March 9, 2021 – At the age of 118, a Japanese woman is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest living person in the world. The name of her was Tanakar. She is a native of Fukuoka prefecture in southwestern Japan. On Saturday, representative of Guinness Book of Records handed over the honor to Tanakar at a nursing home there. The Guinness Book of World Records has officially confirmed that the Japanese woman is the oldest living woman in the world at the moment. There is no one else in the whole world who is older than Tanakar.
According to a CNN report, the world’s oldest woman walked with a flambeau (Inauguration lamp) to the Fukuoka Olympics in Japan this year. In this case, Tanakar’s family sent her in a wheelchair. After that she walked a few feet with a flambeau (Inauguration lamp) in his hand. In a recent interview with CNN, Tanaka said she also received a new pair of shoes for the event in January. Tania’s grandson Eiji Tanaka, 60, said that Tanakar is still living a good life at the age of 118. She is very active. Taking the Olympic flambeau is a really big deal. Hopefully, the whole world will be inspired to see Tanakar. As if this whole thing proved once again, age is not a barrier.
Who is “She” ?
Tanaka was born in 1903. Tankar is the seventh child of eight siblings. At the age of 19 she got married to a rice trader. Four children in her womb. She became the mother of four children. Adopted another child. He has managed the family equally for 103 years. But after that the body did not accompany her. Tanakar has five grandchildren. The grandchildren also have 6 sons and daughters. Needless to say, this woman has witnessed the Spanish Flu of 1917 and the current Corona. When the last Tokyo Olympics were held in 1964, Tanaka was 61 years old. But this time another feeling. This time she will go ahead with the dream of taking the her country to the middle of the world.
What is the mysteries behind her age ?
The oldest living woman in the world wakes up at 8 am every day as a rule. Tanaka still practices mathematics regularly. The mother of five still does her own work. Winter-summer-rain clock rises at 6 o’clock in the morning. No laziness. After finishing his work, she continues to practice mathematics. There is no pause in that mathematics practice even in 118. Favorite numbers are playing in her head.
The following practices help one to enjoy such long life.
- Avoid overeating. The link between calorie intake and longevity currently generates a lot of interest.
- Eat more nuts. …
- Try out turmeric. …
- Eat plenty of healthy plant foods. …
- Stay physically active. …
- Don’t smoke. …
- Moderate your alcohol intake. …
- Prioritize your happiness.