If you can eat nutritious and healthy food regularly, your body and mind will be kept in healthy. If our body is not healthy or does not have the ability to prevent disease, then our body and mind will not be good. The role of fruits in keeping the body and mind well is immense. Fruit is an invaluable natural resource. Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and numerous photo-nutrients (vegetable micronutrients). Not only for its taste and color, but also for its unimaginable nutrients, the fruit keeps us healthy by freeing us from disease! The fruit is quite beneficial for health. Those who eat more fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet have a lower risk of chronic disease. Fruits provide us with useful nutrients to maintain our body health. In this article, special 7 healthy fruits have been described.
- Lemons :
According to scientists, lemons have long been used for medicinal purposes. Lemon has many vitamins, antibacterial, anticancer and antidiabetic properties which eliminates many diseases of the body and helps in reducing obesity. Lemon has vitamin C, folic acid, potassium and pectin. 50 grams Lemon juice contain 11 calories, 3.31 g carbohydrate, 49 mg potassium, 18.6 mg vitamin C, 3 mg calcium and 0.1 g of fiber.
Benefits : Lemon gives us numerous benefits such as to lose weight, to removes kidney stones, to help to grow hair on the head, to remove the skin problem, to control the blood pressure, to get rid of yellowing teeth, to get rid of itching, to clean and shiny the nail and to get rid of stomach gas problem.
How to use :
- Lemon juice can be used in salads.
- Lemon can be used to make cakes.
- Lemon can be used in mocktails.
- Lemon juice can be used mixed with water.
2.Strawberries :
Strawberry is a type of Fragaria plant and it is cultivated as a fruit all over the world. Interesting in smell, color and taste. It is widely used in making fruits, fruit juices, jams, ice creams, milk shakes and many more. The aroma of strawberries is used in making industrial food. Strawberries were first cultivated in the Brittany region of France in the late eighteenth century.
Three large size strawberries contain nutrients 17 calories, 4.15g carbohydrate, 1.1 g of fiber, 9 mg of calcium, 7 mg of magnesium, 83 mg of potassium and 31.8 mg of vitamin C. Strawberries are a highly nutritious fruit. Contains Vitamin A, C, E, Folic Acid, Selenium, Calcium, Polyphenols, Elagic Acid, Ferralic Acid, Virgin Acid, Quercetin, Xanthomycin and Phytosterol.
Benefits : Strawberries increase immunity, reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce the risk of diabetes and constipation, reduce the risk of cancer, help to lose weight, protect the bones and skin of the body, prevent hair loss, are useful for memory and beauty.
How to use : Strawberries are a versatile fruit. People can eat them raw or mix them to breakfast cereals or yogurt, blend them into a smoothie, or make them into jam.
3. Oranges :
Orange is a kind of delicious fruit. The color of the orange fruit is orange so this fruit is known as orange lemon. It is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, B, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Choline and other elements. Orange lemon has many antioxidants. Which has proven to be very beneficial for human health. Let’s know the details about the benefits of eating oranges. 41 Gram orange also contains Trusted Source the following nutrients 65 calories, 16.27 g carbohydrate, 3.4 g of fiber, 61 mg of calcium,14mg of magnesium, 238 mg of potassium and 63.5 mg of vitamin C.
Benefits : Stroke: According to the American Heart Association, regular consumption of orange, lemon and grapefruit reduces the risk of stroke. Blood pressure: Just as it is necessary to eat less sodium to control blood pressure, it is also necessary to increase the level of potassium in the body. Potassium in orange and lemon helps in controlling blood pressure. Cancer: According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, eating orange lemon juice every day for up to 2 years after the birth of a child reduces the risk of developing leukemia. Heart: Oranges are rich in fiber, potassium, choline and vitamin C. All of which help maintain good heart health. Diabetes: A medium size orange lemon contains 3 grams of fiber. Which helps control blood sugar levels by increasing the amount of insulin in the blood. Skin: Vitamin C in orange and lemon helps to brighten the skin by eliminating any skin problems.
How to use : Oranges and lemons are usually peeled and eaten fresh or used in salads, desserts and staples. Fresh orange lemon juice and frozen orange lemon juice are common in the United States. Try adding grapefruit slices to a fruit salad, or squeeze the juice into water to make a drink. Otherwise, people can buy pure grapefruit juice from the supermarket.
4. Grapefruit :
Grapefruit is a sour-sweet fruit. The outer side of the raw fruit is green and when ripe it is light green or yellow in color. The coyotes inside are white or pink. Its shell is quite thick and the inside of the shell is soft like foam. It is the largest of the citrus fruits; It is native to South and Southeast Asia. Each 100 grams of edible grapefruit contains 37 kcal of food energy. 0.5 grams of protein. Affection 0.3 g. 6.5 grams of sugar. Dietary fiber 1 gram. Thiamine 0.034 mg. 0.20 grams of mineral salt. Riboflavin 0.027 mg. Niacin 0.22 mg. Vitamin B20 0.04 mg. Vitamin B: 0.038 mg. Vitamin C 105 mg. 120 micro grams of carotene. Iron 0.2 mg. Calcium 36 mg. Magnesium 8 mg. 0.017 mg of manganese. Phosphorus 16 mg. Potassium 218 mg. 1 mg of sodium. Grapefruit is a vitamin rich fruit.
Benefits : Grapefruit has good results when played for cold, flu-induced problems. It helps to increase the body’s resistance to disease. The high content of bioflavonoids in grapefruit protects against breast cancer. High levels of vitamin C increase blood vessel contraction and dilation, which helps in controlling diabetes, fever, insomnia, mouth ulcers, stomach and pancreatic diseases. Controls cholesterol, as well as protects against various types of heart disease. Regular consumption of grapefruit relieves constipation and cures various digestive problems in the stomach.
How to use : To make a drink, add grapefruit slices to a fruit salad or squeeze the juice into water. People can also purchase pure grapefruit juice at the grocery.
5. Blackberries :
Blackberry is an edible fruit that is produced by numerous species of the genus “Rubas” of the Rosaceae family. Among them, the subspecies “Rubas” is a hybrid and the subspecies “Rubas” and “Idaobatus” are hybrids. Cultivated blackberries are especially important for significant amounts of dietary fiber, vitamin-C and vitamin-K. Vitamin C and Vitamin K are 25% and 19%, respectively, and contain small amounts of other essential nutrients. Blackberries have both soluble and insoluble fiber. Blackberries are also important because of their manganese and folic acid.
Benefits: Anthocyanin, which are found in blackberries, are beneficial to health. Because blackberries have a lot of seeds, they have a lot of fibre. As a result, they may be able to aid in the improvement of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular health.
How to use : Fresh blackberries can be eaten raw, added to yoghurt for breakfast or dessert, or frozen blackberries can be used to smoothies.
6.Apples :
Apple is a kind of fruit. Apples are mainly popular for their sweet taste. Apples are cultivated all over the world and the most cultivated species is Genus Malus. Apple has been cultivated throughout Asia and Europe for thousands of years. Apple has religious and mythological significance in many cultures, including the Norse, Greek, and European Christian traditions. Apple varieties are usually produced by root cuttings, which in turn control the size of the tree. Each 100 grams of edible apple with peel contains 95 calories, 25.13 g of carbohydrate, 4.4 g of fiber, 195 mg of potassium, 11 mg calcium and 8.4 mg vitamin C.
Benefits: According to a report published on a health website, the beneficial aspects of apples. The benefits from apple are controlling weight, improving neurological health, increase the immunity, reduction of the heart Risk, intestinal health, reduction of cancer risk, reduction of diabetes risk, allergy protection: reduction of asthma Severity, whitening teeth, etc.
How to use : Raw apples are a delicious snack, and pairing them with almond butter helps to balance protein and fat consumption. Raw or stewed apples can also be added to yoghurt, or applesauce can be used in cooking.
7. Pineapple :
Pineapple is a kind of bunch. This fruit is native to the continent of South America. However, at present it is widely cultivated in the tropics and all over the world. Costa Rica, Brazil and the Philippines together produce about one-third of the world’s pineapple production. Manganese is found in pineapples and is used by the body to produce bone and tissue. The following nutrients are also found in a medium slice of pineapple:42 calories11.02 g carbohydrate, 1.2 g fiber, 92 mg potassium, 40.2 mg vitamin C and 11 mg calcium.
Benefits: The pineapple help us Eliminates malnutrition to control weight, Bone formation, Tooth and gum protection, protecting eye health, increasing digestion and preventing blood clots.
Fruits come in a variety of forms and sizes, and each fruit has its own set of health benefits. Include a variety of fruits in your diet for the best benefits. A person’s body receives important vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fiber from fruit. This has the potential to improve heart health, digestion, weight loss, and skin health. People can enhance their health and reduce their risk of inflammation, heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes by eating a wide variety of fruits.