India is the 2nd largest country in the world to speak English .Over 125 million people in India can speak English fluently especially the young population because it is estimated that 550 million population is youth and they can speak English .Out of billion of total population 54% of India’s population is under the age of 25 years.
In India English speakers varies with Demographics or age wise and most of the middle class families young people can speak English compared to the elderly population. Hence the ratio is very large and which reflects that 10% of the population can speak fluent English and which is growing at a very rapid pace.
Over 350 million people can speak English in India now which is nearly 100% of USA ‘s population and is by far is catching to no 1 spot as far as speaking is concerned .
The very reason for the rise of English speaker’s in India is due to the fact thay most of the schools and universities are putting stress in learning English in India.