It is impossible for human being to survive without food for 2years but there is an insect which is capable of doing so it is a Tarantula spider lengthwise it is 4 inch long and it is one of the most curious matter that how it can manage to do that.
The unique attribute of Tarantula to survive without food for longer period of time is amazing and curious indeed moreover the female Tarantula can survive for a period of 20 years without food even in duress. On the contrary the male Tarantula cannot survive more than 5-10 years. This is due to their exceptionally low metabolic rates and they have the property to conserve energy for longer duration. The hair from their body should not be cut otherwise they cannot survive longer.
For proving this fact true scientists have tested a Tarantula by keeping it in water without being fed for many days to calculate the accurate time for their survival without food some astounding facts have been discovered that this hairy beefy spiders are prone to arachnophobias fear to a longest period of 2 years 9months and 19 days.
It is one of the amazing fact for those who want to keep spiders as their pet.