This is a true fact that Sedlec ossuary in the Czech Republic is a church which is completely built of human bones and it is artistically decorated with 40000 human skeletons. This church is located in Kota Hora of the Czech Republic from outside it may look an ordinary church of ordinary design of old medieval gothic.
From Outside the view is very ordinary but as you enter inside the church then you can feel the difference of architecture completely built of human bones that are why popularly known as the church of bones. The most interesting fact about this bone of church is that sedlec Ossuary’s big chandelier of bones that lies in the centre of the church of bones. This Chandelier is immense and it contains at least one human bone each.
Another most interesting fact is the Schwarzenberg family’s coat of arms that is also made of Human bones. It is also Very interesting fact to convey that how all these bones are carved in a small chapel located in the Czech Republic. As it happened in 1278 when the King Bohemia sent the abbot of seldec cisterian Monastery to Jerusalem.
In 1570 the gothic church was built and it was considered to be sacred and so all the dead bodies are buried here.