Believe it or not it is a fact that honey never spoils now what is the reason for it is revealed in the article as you read more you will get to know that. Besides being delicious in taste it has certain magical properties in it which allow it to do so even in an […]
Clouds Are Heavier Than They Appear
Clouds are heavier than they appear because it is calculated by the researchers that the average weight of the cloud cumulus is 500000kg (or 1.1 million pounds) now the question arises that why they look fluffy and soft. They look fluffy and soft because of the refraction of the light from the atmosphere and sun. […]
Greatness needs no Introduction
It is needless to say that sun shines in the sky because it burns itself in such a manner that light cannot be eradicated from itself in the same way our PRESIDENT AND MISSILE MAN of INDIA leads India and India’s youth by example his achievement has changed the structure of ISRO and its planning […]
The heart of a blue whale is so big, a human can swim through the arteries.
The heart of blue whale is so large that human being can easily swim through it very easily without any hindrances r space difficulty and can move through its arteries with Suv sedan very easily. The approximate length of the heart is 5 feet and 1.5 meters long and top of the lowest chamber weighs […]
Mt Everest is shorter than Mariana Trench
Mariana Trench is deeper than Mount Everest’s height. Depth of Mariana trench is 35462 feet deep (10809meters) on the other hand Mount everest stands 29026 feet (8848meters) tall wall above the sea level meaning deepest part of mariana trench is 7044 feet (2147 m ) deeper than everest is tall.Thus the illusion of everest being […]