It is quite obvious that we taste our food through our tongue and to decide what is the taste of the food that we are eating. The taste bud is present in the tongue of our body but in case of butterflies it is different they taste their food using their legs as taste bud […]
Lightning kills more Men than woman
When stuck by lightning it is quite obvious that people may not survive and death is inevitable except few rare miraculous cases. Most of the time it is found that the death ratio is more in case men than women by the researchers in the USA. On an Average lightning kills 79 individuals every year […]
Lightning From Volcano
Lightning from thunderstorm is normal but lightning from Volcano is quite an unusual natural phenomena. New electromagnetic wave technology now been introduced to understand the fact behind this reason as it helps to peer inside the ash plume. Mainly lightning happens when positively and negatively charged particles are separated from each other in the atmosphere. […]
Sedlec Ossuary – The church Of human bone
This is a true fact that Sedlec ossuary in the Czech Republic is a church which is completely built of human bones and it is artistically decorated with 40000 human skeletons. This church is located in Kota Hora of the Czech Republic from outside it may look an ordinary church of ordinary design of old […]
Human Being born with 300 bones but it gradually get reduced to 206
It is the normal behaviour of the human skeleton to develop after after13 to 16 weeks after conception. When a baby takes birth initially it has 300 bones along with the cartilage elements included in it which are almost a third after a passage of time it gets fuse together to form the structure of […]