Butterfly is a very beautiful insect in our natural world.It is a flying insect with very colorful wings.It has three body parts,a pair of antennae,compound eyes and an exoskeleton.The three body parts are the head,thorax(the chest) and abdomen(the tail end)..It has six joint legs.Butterflies are in ordere,Lepidoptera.Butterflies are only can fly when their body temperature is above 86 degrees.They have to pairs of large wings covered with colorful, iridescent scales in overlapping rows. It’s body is covered by tiny sensory hairs.Everyone is familiar with butterflies.But,how much you know about butterfly…….
Butterfly Taste With Their Feet
There is an interesting fact or behaviour about butterfly.Butterfly can taste with their feet.Their taste sensors are remain on the bottom of their feet.These receptors are find its host plant and locate food.They can taste by standing on their food.By standing on a leaf,butterfly can taste it to see that.They have not any mouth.Most adult butterfly can not bit or chew. A butterfly’s antennae, palps, legs,and many other parts of the body are studded with sense receptors, that are used to smell. The sense of smell is used for finding food.
