This hole punch cloud phenomenon was in moscow few months ago
Hole punch cloud

This hole punch cloud phenomenon was in moscow few months ago
Can you imagine that there is no security force in border
Stingrays are cartilaginous fishes related to sharks. Their colour may vary from brown to grey. Can be as long as 5 meters or 17 feet. May weighs up to 600 kilogram. Stingray can live in fresh water , salt water and even in brackish waters (where rivers ,source of fresh water , meet in sea […]
Philippine Tarsier is an endangered species found in South East Asia. They are not monkeys. Close to Lemurs, Bushbabies and Lorises. Monkeys and Humans are anthropoid but they are prosimians. Locally known as “mamag”, “magau”, “mago”, “maomag”, “malmag” and “magatilok-iok”. Solitary lifestyles but sometimes they live in a groups. Their tarsals bone (long ankle bone) […]