Hubert Blaine Wolfe−schlegel-hausen-berger‐dorff Sr. as verified on 1 January 2021 in Philidelphia, the United States of America, was given the longest personal name, and has 747 characters.
The longest name of male and female in the world

Hubert Blaine Wolfe−schlegel-hausen-berger‐dorff Sr. as verified on 1 January 2021 in Philidelphia, the United States of America, was given the longest personal name, and has 747 characters.
Do you know that in Uganda, 50% of the population is under 15 years of age? Yeah, its a real true fact about Uganda’s population. The Uganda’s gender ratio is pretty even, but half the population sitting on 14 years of a 65+ year lifespan is a massive boom. The Ugandan life expectancy is only […]
IQ or intelligence quotient – It is score which is calculated by different standardized examination over a person and it is a measurement to assess intelligence of a person. IQ was first coined by German Psychologist and Philosopher William Stern. Average people IQ (50%) between 90 -110. 2.5% people are mentally deficient and their IQ […]
Khalid Bin Mohsen shaeri, 1,345-Pound Saudi man to the hospital with the help of King Abdullah Khalid Bin Mohsen shaeri a man 1,345 books that had been unable to leave his room for years, got the royal treatment on Monday. Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah himself funded demolition to extract the man from his apartment and […]
Jon Brower Minnoch was the Heaviest Man ever in history. Born – 29 September 1941 in Bainbridge Island, Washington state , USA Height – 6 ft 1 inch or 185 cm Maximum weight approximate – 634 kilograms or 1400 lbs. At age 12 his weights was almost 132 kg and by 22 years 392 lbs […]