Do you know that the elephant is only mammal which have 4 knees ? Yeah, its a real fact. The elephant has two knees at the back, and elbows and wrists at the front, exactly like other quadrupeds. Other mammals have two knees and two elbows.
A rabbit can’t sweat
Do u know that the rabbits are can’t sweat ? Well, the rabbit’s have not any sweat glands & they use their ears to regulate their body temperature. An ear of rabbit contain major networks of blood vessels that since their ears are set apart from their bodies, serve to cool the blood.
Bat is the only mammal who can fly
Did u know that in the whole mammals only the bat can fly ? Yeah, its weird but a true fact. A bat wing is better than normal bird wings. The bat’s wing is fleshy webbing is also connecting their arms to their bodies. The bats do all their hunting walking around on the forest […]
Only female mosquitoes bite humans,males are vegetarian
Did you that the female mosquitoes bite humans & drink Blood,males are vegetarian ? Yeah, its a real fact.The male mosquitos are strictly vegetarian and the females drink blood for nourish their child-bearing bodies. A human Blood is full of proteins and amino acids & that makes it the perfect prenatal supplement for growing mosquito […]
The eye of camels can survive from blowing sands for their three eyelids
Do u know that the Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand ? Yeah. its a true fact. The Camels have three eyelids.Their two of the eyelids have eye lashes that help to protect eyes from sand & the third one is a very thin lid which works to clean off their […]