Do u know that a female lions 85 to 90 percent of the pride’s hunting ? Yeah its a real fact. After the female lions hunting, the males patrol the territory and protect the pride.A Lions can hunt any hour of a day. But the female & male lions hunt together to fulfill their success […]
The sharks detect one part of blood in 100 million parts of water
Did u know that a shark detect one part of blood in 100 million parts of water ? yeah, its a real fact. Though the blood would diffuse in water, but wouldn’t at least a particle of the blood have to come into contact with the shark. The smell organs in the noses of sharks […]
The kangaroo rat can stay longer than a Camel without water
Do u know that a kangaroo rat can survive without water than camel ? yeah, its hard to believe, but its a true fact. The kangaroo rat is able to survive without drinking water in the desert, because its kidneys produce the most concentrated urine than a camel & only pass a few drops per […]
Only the elephant can’t jump in all of mammals
It is real fact that the elephant is the only mammal, who can’t jump. Because the elephants don’t have kneecaps & they are unable to bend their legs and acquire the needed propulsion to leave the ground.
The slugs have four noses.
Its a strange fact the slugs have four noses. Actually it is the two pairs of tentacles that slugs have. The first pair of tentacles used to gather information about their environment & to detect lightness and darkness. This pair of tentacles located on the top of the head has a small black spot at […]