It is a strange fact that an Alligator cannot walk backwards. While the alligators are high walking, their entire & the majority of tail is off the ground. Its primarily used when their getting out of water or moving over an obstruction.
The Hummingbirds flap their wings 50-70 times per second
Do u know that a Hummingbird flap its wings between 50 to 30 times a second ? yes, its a remarkable fact. Actually they do not flap their wings they rotate them in a figure 8. It enable them to go backwards in the air & to delay in one spot to increase rapid wing-flapping […]
Every shrimp’s heart has in its head
Did u know that a shrimps heart is located on its head ? Yeah, it is true fact. Accually the heart is located on its thorax, its just after the head. The head & thorax is totally covered with a single exoskeleton only. Its because the shrimps thorax can be mistaken as still part of […]
A deer don’t like to eat hay
It is a strange fact that a deer can’t hay. Deer have adapted to eating a wide variety of food sources but their stomachs require time to adapt to a new food source .Their digestive systems are designed for more ‘green’ types of feed.
Pigs can’t look up into the sky
Do u know that is physically impossible for pig’s to look up into sky ? yeah, its a weird fact about pig’s. The pigs are can’t roll down to see the sky, because their anatomy of the neck muscles won’t let them look totally upwards. So that the only way left to see the sky […]