The heart of blue whale is so large that human being can easily swim through it very easily without any hindrances r space difficulty and can move through its arteries with Suv sedan very easily.
The approximate length of the heart is 5 feet and 1.5 meters long and top of the lowest chamber weighs 400pounds (181 kilograms) and can pump 58 gallons (220 litters) of blood through a whales heart but the irony is that it is the most endangered species of the world now and only 10000 whales are left today and they are now most ly found in Srilanka now a days
If the heart is cut into pieces then it has enough space to do so but sometimes wrong annotations are spread that whales heart are huge enough to make cars travel through it but the channelized veins and arteries are longer enough to make it do so.
As per the opinion of the scientists it is possible to do so. Ble whales are basically harmless but they are responsive to human attacks and any other attacks otherwise they are very much peaceful and timid mammal’s on earth despite being large in size.