Believe it or not it is a fact that honey never spoils now what is the reason for it is revealed in the article as you read more you will get to know that.
Besides being delicious in taste it has certain magical properties in it which allow it to do so even in an edible state Now let us first see for ourselves that what are the capacities which makes it so much so special in its own kind like honey can heal the open wounds as per the report of Herodotus Alexander’s dead body was buried using the embalmment of honey in his coffin.
The oldest form of honey that is unearthed is 5000years ago now the question arises that whether it is consumable or not.
If we study properly the chemical properties of honey carefully then we will get to know why that thing happen there several reasons for that.
Honey contains sugar which contains all sorts health-related benefits and often honey is substituted by sugar that may or may not be true and honey isn’t the same as it is regular and granulated its Sugars are hygroscopic in nature and they don’t contain water in the natural state. Very few microorganisms and bacteria can live due to low moisture environment. As honey isn’t the same as it is regular and granulated its sugar sugars are hygroscopic in nature and they don’t contain water in the natural state. Very few microorganisms and bacteria can live due to low moisture environment.
The natural form of money is very low moisture.Very few bacteria or microorganisms and can survive in an environment like that they die actually they get smothered by it. The organisms cannot survive long as they don’t get the chance to spoil.Another important factor is that its pH is between 3 and 4.5 and to be more accurate it is 3.26-4.48 which also kills off anything trying to make a home in honey.